Πέμπτη 28 Νοεμβρίου 2013

10.9 Mavericks and Python

I tried to setup a Python environment to my recently updated MacOS X Mavericks (10.9). Unfortunately, there was a series of problems not allowing me to install mysql-python. I found the following sites really useful.

NOTE: The following instructions as given "as is". I claim no responsibility for any possible problems or damage you may encounter.

First, you need to fix the distribute and then update pip and virtualenv. See :

Afterwards, you need to recompile python using brew.I assume that you already have HomeBrew installed. Useful instructions could be found here:

If you wish to deploy multiple python environments you may omit adding to your .bash_profile the following line:

echo "source $HOME/.virtualenvs/data-scientists/bin/activate" >> ~/.bash_profile

I 'll keep this guide updated, as I may encounter additional problems.